MISSION: We (and I mean myself and my team of guides, mentors, teachers, support experts,...) have made it our mission to help elevate humanity from the current culture of glorified hustle, exhaustion, disconnect, inequality, isolation, artificial solutions and unmanaged stress.


    Ever since the inception of my first business in 2011, each one of my buisinesses has always strived to help individuals to have voice, agility, and fortitude to be the change they want to see in the world. Sometimes, that required the actual, tangible doing - other times becoming.


    VISION: Inspiring collective realignment especially throught he prism of empowering women to reach, activate and reclaim their primal powers. To have more time. Their work to have more meaning. For them to enjoy a bigger experience with life. And we don't mean airy-fairy stuff: we are committed to helping them break destructive generational and cultural patterns just as we are in honoring and exalting generational powers & strenghts... And to (re)connect to the infinite grace of their higher-self and their mission. And we intend to have a ton of fun along the way.

    Why now? Because we are living in the most auspicious times, in the dawn of a new era; in the transition from old archaic rules and structures that no longer apply (aka secrecy, scarcity, systematic control) to the open, airy, and harmonious Aquarian age. And the world is finally ready and in need of all this magic!



    We believe in kindness, magic, and miracles.

    We value time and honor integrity.
    We believe that family and health come first.

    We believe in creating quality, rich, and memorable experiences.

    We believe in learning, and in the power of direct yet compassionate communication.

    We believe in unconditional love and in boundaries.

    We believe in leaps of faith and that discomfort is required for growth.

    We believe that if it's not a hell yes, it's a no.

    We believe that self-care and self-love are integral to excellence, leadership, and legacy-building.

    We believe in our clients and are fully committed to serving them at the highest level.

    We believe in creating wealth and in using its power to better the world.

    We are committed to an intentional state of change and growth.


    We are a progressive company. Integrity and equality are one of our core values. We are committed to dismantling systems that oppress and threaten safety, dignity, well-being, and opportunities of women and minorities.


    This means that these values aren’t optional for us. They are foundational for me, for our team members, and for our clients. This means that if we’re going to work together, we ought to share those values as well.


    WHY: Because lives, homes, families, dreams, tens of millions of dollars, and transgenerational, transcultural, & transdimensional legacy are on the line.


    Now, this is not just some trendy thing to say and do...


    As a former elite athlete turned business owner who’s been in the arena of high-achieving since 12 years old;

    a woman who carries inner feminine lineage and yet has tried to contort into the toxic rules of patriarchy;

    a survivor of depression and severe burnout that nearly killed me (and my business and my marriage);

    a mom to two Aquarian girls who are already concerned about the world;

    a descendant of abuse survivors, WWII resistance fighters, and women who lived ahead of their time...


    As INFJ-T/ENFJ-T, Generator with Sacral Authority, Twice Exceptional witchy ambivert, caregiver, outlaw, and ruler with Life Path 4...


    ...this work is my life's mission. (And you can find more about my lineage here.)