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Can magic even be articulated?

And how we can create it together

· Intentional Leader,Mindset,Success Strategies,coaching,transformation

Been thinking and dreaming about this big and audacious goal out there on the horizon for so long
that you've built a small mansion at the edge of that proverbial cliff off of which you were supposed to leap toward your destiny?

For some of my clients, that was leaping into entrepreneurship full-time
after doing the side-hustle thing for too long. Or finally building out the next arm of the business.
For some, that was packing up all their belongings and moving cross-country to the place of their desires.
For some, that was finally accepting that marriage proposal even after years of happy togetherness.
For some, it was scaling back their workload to gain tremendous amounts of
free time & energy without risking losing a single dime of revenue.

And for some, it was not about a leap at all. It was merely mustering up the courage to actually want what they wanted - and not what the world has dictated and demanded.

Imagine the expansion after you put an end to the exhaustion of having it all on paper (the multiple
7-figure businesses, the family, the white picketed fence, the first-class weekly flights, homemaking) while all your soul craves is doing the work in a completely different industry. Something that just
comes so easily to you that you can't even see it as a valid possibility.

Imagine the peace after putting down the weight of carrying all responsibilities on your shoulders (ensuring your employees, your support team, your sponsors, and your family are all taken care of though your exceeding in performance non-stop) while all your soul is craving is a spaciousness to slow down and to allow for the next chapter to emerge - and with it, the next version of you.

Imagine having the courage to gift this to yourself. Having the capacity to receive it. And having the clarity to even know what your true desires and requirements even are... To know who you even are... who you've become.

Coaching and consulting sometimes are pretty straightforward; the client is here and they want to be there, and together, we build the bridge.

But more often, at least from my 11 years of working with my clients, it starts with "I don't want this
anymore, but I don't quite know what else is possible." Or not knowing if they have it in them. Or (my favorite), finally finding the last piece in the puzzle so after years and decades of working on it, we bring it across the finish line.

It's not always easy to articulate this magic. But it's quite simple to know in your heart if you ought to experience high-level mindset, strategic, tactical, energetic, and mystical support when it calls you. When you know it's time...

I have limited spaces for premier, private work over the summer (or a whole year if you're ready to go the distance) so that we can rewire your life, reimagine the possible, and turn this vision into a
practical realization. To transform your life, your home, your career.

It's not cheap, but neither are you and your future.
