Being an entrepreneur, heart-centered trailblazer, successful, driven and ambitious expert is not easy, no matter what you were asked to believe! At all! Seeing what others can't, and devoting our lives to a cause so deeply meaningful to us that we're willing to move mountains, sacrifice our comfort and free time, and even jeopardise our health as we keep achieving more than most can only dream of... takes a special kind of person, capable of special kind of love, selflessness, and generosity! Like you, my dear!
And the ones paying the highest price for your long hours, seemingly-to-others irrational decisions and unnecessary risks, perpetual dance with fears and passion, even stress and uncertainty - are the ones you're doing it all for in the first place. Your family.
As if juggling our time, energy, and attention between their needs, your business' needs, your clients' needs, your team's needs weren't enough, there's also the I-know-it-should-be-non-negotiable self-care.
Plenty of guilt and shame to go around because 24 hours in a day are never quite enough to take care of all of it - especially if you're aiming for highest-level service, premium-quality, all done with joy, grace, fulfillment... and still feeling that sense of freedom!
No, this is not where I tell you about this magic formula or a silver bullet that solves it all! Because there is none.
And as if that alone wasn't enough, there's also this inevitable, crucial and nonnegotiable thing called "ongoing personal, spiritual, business development and evolution" that requires your focus, time, financial investment, and commitment... unapologetically and oftentimes only adding to the already long hours, sometimes-seemingly irrational decisions and unnecessary risks, perpetual dance with fears and passion, even stress and uncertainty.
Because let's be honest - no growth, expansion, and mastery has even been a stroll through a park of rainbows and sunshine! And no new results and dreams turned into reality have ever came from taking the easy way out.
What am going to tell you, however, is that if any of this sounds like (feels like) anything you've been experiencing, you're not alone. And it doesn't have to be this way.
So, here's what I am wondering:
- Have you ever wished you could find ways to thank your family for their support, a way to do your work free of guilt, be a model for your kids, and spend quality time with them as you turn your working trips into a fun family adventure where they get to experience the world with you?
- Have you been looking for a way to honor yourself for all of your recent success, and a way to immerse into your bigger vision, desires, and plans for your future - may it be your personal growth, love life, or/and family life?
- Have you been looking for a way to work on your business, a way to reignite the big vision, elevate & shape your ideas, map out your strategic plans, or focus on particular solutions that need your undivided attention?
If your answer is a resounding YES to at least one of these, then you can put your mind at ease, take a deep breath and relax, because I have you covered!
- Have you been looking for a way to reward your team for all that they do, and a way to bond & grow as you come together, tap into each other's brilliance, and bring it all together to ignite your future success with strategic (quarterly) meeting!
Because I've still got your back!
I created the Intentional Impact Program - Global Experience - deliberately designed to help you open up to limitless possibilities, and created on the most unique and flexible platform that gives you exactly what you need for your future, your business, your team, your family, and your community.
In other words, this Intentional Impact Program Global Experience activates your genius work, highest service & the next chapter of your success, business & life, and is too vast and expansive to be captured in a single sentence.
See, working with many different business owners and thought leaders from around the world, I have developed my 360-method that is helping my clients (each with different background) as much as 10x the ROI...
...not only in terms of increased revenues (they literally collapsed their annual revenues into a month, a day, a single sale - oftentimes as the result of my notorious VIP Day Intensive!),
...but also in tune of deepened and improved relationships with themselves, their partners, their kids, their clients; improved wellbeing; increased creativity & productivity ... while enjoying more fun, free time, and freedom (because what's the point otherwise?).
And, working with some of the best mentors and teachers globally, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in my own development, growth, and evolution, my work as a Master Mindset & Transformative Coach, Intuitive Business & Life Strategist (with 20 years of experience and MBA degree) is a culmination of everything I have learned, applied, and perfected.
Not to mention - being a former award-winning athlete, a mom to two crystal children, postpartum depression & burnout survivor, and a wife in bi-cultural marriage, I deeply understand the unique dynamic, non-cookie-cutter approach, and sustainable solutions you need and are looking for.
Indeed, the Intentional Impact Program - the Global Experience is cream-de-la-creme of high-level-private-mentoring meets power-of-the-VIP-Day-intensives infused with deeply-transformational-private-destination-retreats that create exponential and lasting results.
Because you cannot put a price on freedom, clarity, confidence, love, fulfillment... and you, your family, your business, your team, and your clients are worthy of it.
So if you're ready to think and dream even bigger, to be more, to do, give, and share more;
if you ready to be guided further, challenged to dive deeper, pushed to soar higher, empowered to reach wider than ever before, and to set yourself free;
...message me and ask how together, we can help you create intentional living, business, leadership, and impact, turn your dreams into reality, and make your life your legacy - now.
Or, visit my website for more info & a free catalog of the IIP Global Experience.